Course image French V

TOPIC 1: Plus-que-parfait / Present of the subjunctive

TOPIC 2: Past conditional

TOPIC 3: Si clauses / Faire faire quelque chose à quelqu’un

TOPIC 4: Translating the passive voice with “on” / Idiomatic structures

TOPIC 5: Laisser quelqu’un faire quelque chose / quitte à + infinitive

TOPIC 6: Histoire de + infinitive / Passé simple

TOPIC 7: Translation of “CAN” & “to mean”

TOPIC 8: à & de + lequel / à & de + possessive pronouns

TOPIC 9: Translation of allegedly / Futur antérieur

TOPIC 10: Past subjunctive / à vs de

TOPIC 11: Adverbs / must have, could have, should have + past participle

TOPIC 12: Expressions with “coup” / gerund * present participle

TOPIC 13: Phrasal verbs part 1 / se faire + infinitive

TOPIC 14: Phrasal verbs part 2 / Translation of the verb “to wish”