Course image French IV

TOPIC 1: Avoir beau + infinitive / faillir + infinitive

TOPIC 2: Future tense / Direct Object Pronouns review

TOPIC 3: Boot verbs / Indirect Object Pronouns review

TOPIC 4: Demonstrative adjectives / Demonstrative pronouns

TOPIC 5: Plaire / Conditional mood

TOPIC 6: Comparative with nouns / superlative

TOPIC 7: Verbs that can be used with être or avoir in passé compose / Simultaneous use of Direct & Indirect Object Pronouns in the imperative

TOPIC 8: Possessive pronouns / various meaning of “aller”

TOPIC 9: Etre sur le point de / Demonstrative pronouns

TOPIC 10: Comparative correlative / “You’d better…”

TOPIC 11: Falloir with Indirect Object Pronouns / Avoir l’habitude de

TOPIC 12: Etre impatient de / Etre à + distance

TOPIC 13: Must, coul, should + infinitive

TOPIC 14: -IR verbs conjugated like -ER verbs / Au cas où

TOPIC 15: New reflexive verbs